Saturday, October 17, 2009
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
EZSnap 1.0
Name: EZSnap 1.0
Developer: Tarzan Hedgepeth
Description: A small and handy screen capture utility. It's Free!
- Free
Filed Under: Image and Graphic Tools, Misc Tools
Name: Slax
Description: Slax is a modern, portable, small and fast Linux operating system with a modular approach and outstanding design. Despite its small size, Slax provides a wide collection of pre-installed software for daily use, including a well organized graphical user interface and useful recovery tools for system administrators.
The modular approach gives you the ability to include any other software in Slax easily. So if you're the type who wants customization in everything, this feature will take most of the pain off.
- Small but full fetaured
- Good number of pre-installed softaware
- Ability to add more software
Filed Under: GNU/Linux Freeware
Error List
Name: Error List
Description: If you ever gotten (and you should have) error from Windows, you know they are not meant to be understood by the end-user. Windows just doesn't tell much about the error, just giving you the error code. So if you ever wanted to know what those codes mean, you need this small tool. It displays information relating to a windows error code. Allows you to determine what the error message given by an application actually means. The programming definition of the error is also given so coders can create a handler for them in their application.
Filed Under: Misc Tools
Name: ttyutils
Developer: xiaohu417
Description: Ttyutils is a suite of UNIX terminal tools, it includes ttyexec, ttylook, ttyadmin, and a few extension programs. ttyexec executes command in a pseudo terminal, captures all stdandard output from command, and passes it to a built-in virtual terminal emulator and real terminal. user feel no differ between ttyexec executed command and direct executed command. by virtual terminal emulator, a event may be triger by a specific condition. for example, user want to execute a program by other program status, but want not or can not modify that program. ttyadmin is a administrator tool, which use ncurses(3X) window interface, view and control exists ttyexec instances. ttylook similar to BSD watch(1) program, but has fewer limits, and can interact with exists ttyexec instance, snoop on that terminal output, or input data to that terminal if writable mode was enabled. Ttyutils has not-bad manual in .info, .html, .pdf, and .ps format.
Filed Under: GNU/Linux Freeware